Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Not tomorrow, TODAY!!!

Hi all, I'm back from my Sunway Lagoon trip!!!!

I had fun, I always do on any kinda holiday, but to be honest the theme park was kinda Bleah and Meh when I expected it to be WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!!!!

I am a HUGE theme park fan, and having been to state of the art world class top notch ones like Sea World, I suppose I'm quite elitist when it came to judging Sunway Lagoon because I'm gonna admit it right now - IT'S SHIT!

I didn't wanna say it was shit in the first place, because I did go there for a holiday after all and spent good money on it *sob sob* but whatever, at least people would know not to go there in the future....


I haven't gotten around to editing pics of Sunway Lagoon yet (gimme a break I just got back yesterday midnight!) but I'm here posting Penang Part 4 later for you guys because I wanna stop being lazy and be more active!!

I'm gonna do things I normally wouldn't be assed to do (you'll see, coming up on my blog soon) and hopefully it pays off. Even if things don't work out the way I plan them to be, I can at least say I've tried!

I want to be a different person this year.

People have been asking me for my new year's resolution and I don't have any specific ones (like get 4 branded handbags within this year or something) but I want each year to be better than the previous.

2010 WAS better than 2009 because I wasn't with some stupid ex-bf or attending school often (zzz) but I expected so much more out of it!!!!!

Most people did a recap of their 2010, but I didn't do mine because I thought it was rather boring. Sure I went on a few nice holidays yada yada.. but really, what did I achieve?

Besides finding myself of course.

This step is quite important because I've NEVER felt more comfortable in my own skin. You should remember posts about me admitting the fact that I have little friends and my reluctance to put in efforts for "friendships", confessing about my strained relationships with my dad, being more daring with my words and talked about Self-Esteem, Getting over Heartbreak, Virginity and other lengthy posts that received great response from my readers..

It was a great year for self-discovery.

However, little did I know before this that there was such a thing as being Too Comfortable In Your Own Skin.

I was too confident about my looks and weight that I ended up gaining even MORE weight than ever, because I wanted to "stand my ground" and prove to people that I didn't care about what they think...

Then I thought to myself, it's not about what other people think, it's also about what's best for ME!! Stuffing my face with food and without exercising is terrible. I'm not one of those girls blessed with good genes and great metabolism rates so I can't afford to live like a pig.

I was so unabashed about sharing my opinions that sometimes I think I went kinda overboard, I gave less shit about what other people thought and was so quick to dismiss them. In return, I think most peoples impression of me is "A Big Fat Snob" now (which I probably deserve) and though I don't really care...


I was so comfortable with my blog's status being where it is now that I hardly actively came up with content to entertain you guys with. I kept telling myself that "I'll blog tomorrow" or "Why should I have to slave away? I'll blog when I feel like it!"

Then I realized that this attitude is getting me NOWHERE.

I HAVE to start being more active about things in general... You have no idea what a procrastinator and lazy person I am!!!

I check my emails quite often but only reply them 2-3 days later, or sometimes I don't reply them at all because I'm just that lazy. Even if I'm not busy, I'd still take my time to reply them.

Sorry if I sound confusing and if this just seems like a pile of jibberish to you, I'm furiously typing away here, trying to make my point as valid as possible and I haven't once stopped to read and check if I make sense yet but THIS HAS TO BE SAID!!!

I feel like if I don't announce it, I'd soon forget about it and nothing would ever happen.

I'm tired of my stupid mentality "I will do it TOMORROW."


I'm going to do it TODAY, because come tomorrow, I know I will postpone it another day.

And what if tomorrow never comes??!?!!?

I am only 18 and I know I can be doing SO much more with my life instead of being the slob that I am. I want to try new things, to be a different person instead of settling for who I am now.

I spent the whole of 2009 trying to find myself, figure out who I was supposed to be (thanks to a break up - everyone tries to find their own purpose in life after a break up) and when I actually FOUND me, I didn't want to go ANYWHERE.

It's like I was my own best friend and I told myself nothing else mattered.

But the truth is.... there is so much more else in life to BE BOTHERED about!!

And I KNOW this year is going to be crazy different. I am in talks with an agent to apply for universities in Perth. Yes, I have decided on Perth because it's home away from home..

My mum's gonna be there often (her bf lives there and she goes visiting frequently) and I've been there enough times to know the general feel of the place and I like it.

It's different, yet not TOO different.

It's far away, yet not too far like the USA....

I do love Australia, I've met SO many nice Australian friends!!!!! And the weather is perfect and scenery is beautiful and everything ahhhhhhhhh.

You might be wondering why I'm only applying for universities now..

Well I only got my diploma certificate and results like a month ago (maybe a bit more than that) and I should've done it then but as usual, I was procrastinating. I'm finally doing it TOMORROW (I know I said no tomorrow but it's 9:30pm and the agent would be off work lol) and gah it's so scary to finally take control of your own life!!!!

I realized that DESTINY doesn't plan magical stuff for you and FATE doesn't have something amazing in store for me if I don't get off my ass and do something about it.

I'm the kinda person who believes that I make my own luck, and if I'M not gonna go out there and make my mark in this damn world, nobody will remember me at the end of the day.

Ok maybe I'm being a little too harsh on myself... I didn't accomplish THAT little in 2010, c'mon I'm only 18 remember?? What are people doing at 18?? (besides superstars)

But I want to do MORE.

There's a list of things I wanna do and I'm sharing it bit by bit with you guys in hopes that it will motivate me to accomplish all of them more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some things are very random spontaneous ideas, others are things I've been dying to do for a long time but never got around to doing it, but no matter what, you guys will be with me every step of this journey ok!!

The FIRST thing I'm crazy psyched about is meeting Taylor Swift by winning her concert tickets along with Meet & Greet passes.

OMG YOU GUYS I am so excited about this!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to meet Taylor Swift omgomgomg I SO AM I'm tellin ya!!111111

I am entering this contest and will work on my video submission over the next few days - the winners get to meet Taylor Swift in PERSON at her concert.

I will post the video soon and let you guys know more about it... I hope it works out :) :)) :))))

I would also need votes for the competition so PLZ BE PREPARED to go NUTS voting for me!

I need to work on my video plus blog Penang Part 4 so I gtg now but...

Stay tuneddddddddddd!!!!


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